An initial pathway
Climate Ready Australia 2030 will bring together partners from across society to develop a shared agenda for climate action that can be translated into real action.
An initial pathway
Climate Ready Australia 2030 will bring together partners from across society to develop a shared agenda for climate action that can be translated into real action.
Australia needs a collective plan to become climate ready. We need strong objectives that everyone will support and that motivate ambitious and decisive action. And we need to remove the barriers to collaboration, to realise what is possible when we work together.
Real progress depends on commitment and participation from everyone. It involves coalescing and amplifying existing efforts via a common purpose, activities and enablers. We need more people and organisations to participate, and participate more effectively.
We are assembling an alliance of peak bodies and will work with this group to identify common priorities for their sector and members. These priorities will underpin the development of a robust and shared agenda for national climate action.
The Alliance of Peaks will also help us in shaping our approach to engaging with the broader community, industry, government and non-government sectors on advancing national climate action.